Does anybody know how to get Trane Trace 700 to show calculated run-hours for specific pieces of equipment? For example, I am trying to see how many run-hours are being calculated for room exhaust fans for three different alternatives.
I'm replying to my own thread, in case someone has a similar question, here is the solution (many thanks to the technical support person at CDS).
If any of the alternates include an energy recovery fan, the "parasitic load" to run this fan is added, in the energy summary reports, to the...
I did use the "Use Alternative 1" option, and when I go through the templates for all options, the miscellaneous loads are the same (load, meter, schedule, type) for all alternatives, so I don't understand where the different plug loads come from. I have contacted the support, thanks for your...
I am using Trane Trace 700 to model three alternative mechanical systems. I have tried to keep all of the envelope, ventilation, lighting, and internal loads the same between the alternatives, to focus on the energy and economic effect of the different mechanical system choices. For this, the...