A reply from the autodesk forum works good!
Your code with the minor modifications:
(DEFUN C:PTT (/ osm p1 x y s p2) ; ID a point, place coordinates text
(setq osm (getvar "osmode"))
(command "osmode" 53)
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nSNAP to point to be ID'd: ")
x (car p1)
y (cadr p1)
First of all: Thanks for posting the original code.
I still can't get the break to work though. I wind up with a "P" between my northing and easting in the graphic.
My first post!
I found this code on this forum posted by IFRs (Petroleum)and made a couple changes based on what I was able to figure on my own.
(DEFUN C:PTT (/ osm p1 x y s p2) ; ID a point, place coordinates text
(setq osm (getvar "osmode"))
(command "osmode" 53)
(setq p1...