To vpl,
I been searching this website as well, but no search results was displayed. I think it is probably this article was published on 1980 and the website is limited from 1985-present's papers.
but still thank you very much for your help.
I been searching in the forums about the plate heat exchanger system. Some of the posts suggesting an article called "Consider the Plate Heat Exchanger" by Chand and Raju, but I am having touble finding it from some online library. I been searching on Science Direct and Wiley but can't find this...
To rmw,
Thanks for the suggestion. I will continue to check on those information.
To IRstuff,
5g/s of steam and about 10g/s of water at aim to rise to 80C from room temperature.
hmmm so i guess it is normal with such low overall heat tranfer coefficient? In this case, should i choose another type of heat exchanging system with higher U?
yeah i am pretty sure with units; but yeah, it is a very laminer flow with only about 400 reynolds number while other side being 5g/s of steam flowing in; that's why my U end up very small
Hi all,
I am currently encountering a problem on the calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient on plate heat exchanger. I am using condensing steam to heat up water-like liquid. When I checked with Perry's, the typicall overall heat transfer coefficient should be around 3000-5000...
Hi all,
I would like to ask if your vacuum pump has water within. I assume it will fail to operate correctly. In this case, is there any method to dry the vacuum pipe?
Ah, thanks for pointing it out. It is just the units problem and I will fix it. but it is just like what you said, it doesn't affect the heat transfer.
It is not clearly organized, but please take a look
To IRstuff,
I actually have tried this method before as well, but I ended up getting the product instantly shoot to 80ish already in the first few chunk (0.1m or similar distance). I am not sure if I am doing something wrong in my calculation or the coil just allow such quick heat transfer.
To Latexman, here's what I have.
Assume it is a stainless steel 316, ID 10mm OD 12mm, with the water flow rate of 250ml/min. The inital product temperature is about 35C, and the hot water bath is 85C. Coil length is about 2m long. I think that's what I used to calculate the water outlet...
I want to use this temperature profile for comparison (coil with water bath) with other heat exchange system, and see if I will be able to modify the new system with similar temperature profile.
As Latexman mentioned, I am able to calculate the outlet T using heat transfer equation but I also...
sorry for the confusion. The temperature profile I meant is just a simple temperature vs. time graph representing the heat exchanging system. For a example, a hot water bath and a coil need to be heated. So the temperature profile for the hot water bath should be constant as time pass, but what...
Hi all,
I wonder if it is possible to stimulate a temperature profile of a heat exchanger by only using common software such as matlab, polymath etc. I been looking back in my books but I failed to find a way to do so. If anyone knows, please help me out!
Thank you