We only use our lathe to machine std .505 specimens (~500 a month). A large percentage of the tests are around 125K tensile -- mostly alloy steels. It takes our lab techs ~5 to 10 minutes to finish turning a tensile test. We start out with a torch cut coupon 5"L x 9"W x thickness, rough saw a 1"...
Thanks for your comments. I thought that someone might have used the equipment in their lab and could share some info. I have a copy of their brochure. We have always turned our samples using a marvel lathe, but was trying to upgrade. We run approximately 500 tensiles a month and have concerns...
I am considering the purchase of a new lathe for the preparation of alloy steel .505 tensile test samples. Is any one familiar with the CNC "TensilKut" equipment.
Yes, I am well aware of the effect of hot working and rolling on grain structure. It was suggested in a meeting to try a chem lolly pop as an alternative to a product sample to run the austenitic grain size test. On occasion the GS tests were not available and the only recourse was to notch the...
Has any one ever used a "stream sampler" lolly pop obtained during the teeming of an ingot to run a grain size rather than using a sample from rolled product.
looking for information on the best available formula for calculating Ac1/Ac3 temperatures. I recently made a calculation for a steel grade using two different formulas and the Ac3 temperature varied by +50 deg F.