Cleaning the contacts and all around the switch (the circuit board with the two wires, red and white, going to it) just made the motor buzz a bit louder. So it seems that the start winding is at fault, though I have no way of testing it at the moment.
I haven't moved the wires to the other...
Well, this machine does not have a start capacitor or even a run capacitor. I took pictures of the innards and inside the base and have posted them here. Having read up on capacitors I am assuming that the original one got too old and gave up working, after which it was removed and the wires...
Thanks for all the posts. I probably have enough info to get this sorted out. And sorry that I posted in the wrong forum but all you guys have been great and allowed this thread to continue. Thank you. I wll let you all know how I got on, if that's ok.
I am new here, and very new to electric motors, so am not sure if this is an appropriate post for this forum/site.
I recently acquired a used Skil Bench Grinder - Model 287, Type 4, 1/3 HP, 3,600 RPM.
I was shown that the grinder, when switched on, needed to be helped in starting to spin...