Dear All,
I'm working on molecular mechanics and FEM, I got abaqus x.odb file and I want to extract eigenvector for every single mode which will help me in next step to compute protein B-factor (Boltzman factor).
I order to do that, I need to know the .odb file format which will be helpfull...
Any idea how to extract eigenvector for each mode in .odb file?
I have the Eigenvalue, Freq and generalized mass.
The problem is I need to extract the eigenvector (3Nx3N) which mean that the first 6 should be zero of all mode which will be use to calculate the Boltzman factor (B-Factor) for my...
I am working on FEM, the school provide ANSYS software at HPC center. I have read the users documentation provide wich explain just the usage of GUI, the HPC requirement is to qsub the job not use GUI.
There is another way to run my job using interactive interface?