Hello Drej,
thank you for your help. It helped me so far.
I have now written an APDL as follows:
NSEL,S,S,3,-1,0, ,0
So I have selected some Nodes by results and stored their nodenumbers into the first column of the...
I am using Ansys Mechanical and doing some stress simulations. Is there an option to select random nodes or elements?
I want to pick for example 10% of all nodes randomly.
Thanks for your help.
Hello Drej, hello lopessilva,
thank you for your comments. I tried it the way that you discribed and it works now. I earlier had the illusion, that i can simply create a keypoint somewhere and the forces on this KP will be transferred.
Thank you!
i have generated a simple area with the coordinates (0,0),(0,20),(10,20),(10,0) as solid PLANE183.
As i have noticed the four corners of this area automatically have each one keypoint.
Now if i mesh the area freely and put forces and displacements on these four keypoints, they get...