I need it as a work around for a bug in SW 2005. There's an option for searching through the external refernce folders when you open a part. We need this checked when someone opens a drawing from the vault. However, the bug causes an error if the option is on and you then try to check an...
Sorry again! I found this port on a search and didnt realize it was specific to spreadsheets. But if anyone works with SolidWorks and has an answer, please let me know.
Sorry, we call our PDMWorks server the vault. What I meant was, is there an event that gets triggered upon checking in or out from PDMWorks? That way a macro would be automatically run whenever a part gets checked in or out.
I'm getting the same problem. I didnt have it with 2004, but 2005 is the buggiest release I've seen of anything in a while. I can check in components by themselves just fine, but checking them in from teh assembly gives that error.
I work for a lighting fixture design company, and I'm trying to add a track lighting extrusion to my toolbox. It would work just like the steel beams that come in the standard toolbox. The problem is i cant link a custom property called length to the dimension associated with the extrusion...