Each spring has stiffness in 1 and 2 direction. Direction (1) has shear stiffness and direction 2 has axial stiffness. SpringA will be fine to represent axial stiffness. But it will not work for shear stiffness...
It is 2d as shown in attachment. Two beam connected by spring element. When beam deflect , I want spring force direction follow the deformation
953, 40, 606
954, 80, 646
955, 120, 686
956, 160, 726
957, 200, 766
958, 240, 806
Thank you for you repley
I am using spring type 2 nonlinear and standard analysis. So there is nothing I can do? I want the direction of action changing during the analysis and follow a certain nodes.
I am using abaqus. Is there a way to define a local coordinate system which varies during analysis to reflect any deformation? This is for a spring element. I used "*Orientation, DEFINITION=NODES" but it did not work. Do I need to use subroutine?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you...