Are u connecting in star or delta, that would also determine how to wire up your six leads from the motor windingg before connecting up your 3-phase supply to the connection.Since u said only 3 phase , 6 wires, i guess you are not connecting for dual speed or dual voltage
Imok 2: I am looking at a variety of rooms for holding food items in transit between processing, ranging from 4m x 2m x 2.25m typical to like 4m x 4.2m x 2.25m. The only common denominator in the dimensions is the height of 2.25m. Its the modular coldroom type with polyurtethane foam...
Can anybody offer any information about charts or formulaes applicable for correct sizing of the compressor, condensing units and the evaporator for industrial cold room in relation to the enclosed space to be cooled (including ante-rooms) and the cooling level required?
Digitrex: Yes we currently pay up to 20% of our total bill as Maximum KVAR demand and we are taking steps to apply pf correction.
Busbar: is it important to know how much of the pf is contributed by harmonic distortions in selecting appropriate capacitive bank for pf correction? Our p[lant is...
Thanks all, i agree with Digitrex, the best option is to take actual measurements especially of the Kw and PF. However to extend the case further , is it impossible for for a plant whose overall pF has been established at 0.52 to be run on a generator with a rated pf of 0.8? Also what would be...
Dandel: the generator and the public supply are used completely exclusively, one as a standby for the other. the demand meter is for the public supply consumption. The rating of 700Kva is based on the percentage of the total load rating of the generator that is ACTUALLY used up wheneer we run on...
We use a 1000KVA diesel generator to power our plant and at the peak of consumption we rarely get to 65% loading. Is it now possible for the Demand Meter (reactive loads alone)to read up to 840KVA (on public power suply)when from all indication, the total load obtainable from the generator(with...