I just started working at a firm where one of the former drafters taught herself AutoCAD beginning with version 14. She has created an impressive number of AutoLisp programs, but they need to be updated a little. She compiled most of them a couple of years ago (maybe AutoCAD 2000?) Is there...
Thank you all for answering. IFRs: I looked in format/linetype as you said and the paperspace box was already checked. It doesn't help at all. However, CDH's advice about using the Tool Pallette batting was good for ADT. It is still a problem in ACAD, but, since one seldom uses batting...
I'm tutoring a class for architectural drafting and we've been having trouble when we transfer diagrams with batting as a linetype. The batting linetype is always a trouble anyway, but when we use properties to get it to fit the stud width in model space and transfer our drawings to paper...