How much are you guys paying for Hyperworks tokens? I'm looking at purchasing enough tokens to run two seats of Hypermesh so that should be about 42 tokens. Just an estimate works. I don't need to know that its cheaper or more expensive than other packages, just the cost. Thanks!
What type of solid shapes can Isomesh handle? I am able to mesh some solids using Isomesh while other solids are only meshable using tets. Does anyone know what the requirements are for solids in order to me Isomeshed? Thanks!
Ok I figured it out. In Patran under analysis there is this thing called "optional controls". There you can select what abaqus outputs. I compared the .inp that Patran creates with and without the .fil output request, but wasn't able to narrow down which line told abaqus to output the .fil file...
I've been setting up the analysis in Patran and running the analysis through ABAQUS/Standard using the command promt. Usually I just type in "abaqus analysis job=XXXXX". I tried adding *node and *el to the command, but Abaqus said that isn't a valid option using "analysis". How do I add it to...