I am trying enable selection from a UI Styler dialog.
When I created the dialog in NX, I had Selection "enabled", "Robust" selection type selected, "Single Position" checked, and Scope set to "Any in Assembly."
In the constructor for the dialog I have (among other non - related commands)...
Everyone, Thanks for the input.
John is correct in that I wanted to know how NX determines which tabs come first, second... I guess I should have made it clear in my first post.
I actually did some more digging and found some things out.
The order in which NX places the tabs depends on how...
Does anyone know what controls the "File->New" tab order?
I have a tab that we place all of our company template parts on.
I also have a "Production" environment and a "Staged" environment where we can do testing without effecting the rest of the users (this is accomplished using two...
Sorry for the delay...
Yes, I have tried that and no, I don't get that option (I am assuming here that you are talking about MB3 menu). At the moment, our installation Tc 2005 SR1/2007 does not allow the dataset for .krx files "out of the box." We're working on getting that fixed at the moment.
I havent been in here for quite a while - been working on production oriented items instead of admin. Apparently we had some issues with our current Teamcenter setup that are being worked out as we speak. I just wanted to thank you for your help.
Thanks for the information, but I still have the problem of not being able to get a KRX file into Teamcenter in the first place.
I have recently discovered that NX is creating the KRX file, but it's not going into Teamcenter. It is creating the KRX file in the same location as all of...
I am currently in the process of setting up some knowledge enabled standard reuse parts for use with NX/Teamcenter (Running NX 5.0.5) per the "white paper" put out by UGS.
I have done the following with no problems: Created the template part file, Created the part family spreadsheet with...