Thank you all for your help.
I came across this site:
Assuming a flow rate of 3600 gph would the head loss for the 20' of 1 1/2" corrugated section be ~8 feet?
Thank you all for your input.
I concede I'm starting with 10' of head (3840 gph max), however would replacing the 1 1/2" PVC with 2 1/2" reduce the the friction loss significantly? I imagine I'm close to a 20' of head loss with the current setup, if not more.
Not including the 20' of...
Thank you for the reply.
The solid PVC run includes the vertical to the basement ceiling and out to exterior wall, where it is connected to the 20' of 1 1/2" corrugated line on the exterior.
I’m looking for a little advice on if I should upsize the discharge on my home’s sump pump. After upgrading the pump size it still can’t keep up, but only by the smallest of margins during absurd amount of rainfall. I’m making other improvements to prevent water making it to the sump pit...