there will be 4 produced if it is to be mounted outside the instrument. if it can be placed internally, we will need 6 of them.
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thanks so much for the interest.
let me see if i can answer all the questions, and sorry for the previous lack of clarity.
a cable COULD be run to the LED module, and the newly created electronics module could be mounted elsewhere, but we would like to put the whole package in the instrument...
again, this is to modify a simulated flight instrument. i need to replace a hardware, 3-digit tape counter with a 3-digit LED that will represent 0-360 degrees, based on the position of the course knob. this course knob provides a +/-10v sin/cos signal that will be used to generate the 0-360...
also available are +28v, +/- 15v, +/-10 volts (on sin and cosine from course knob).
There is now volume reqment. so you understand, i'm talking about replacing an existing mechanical course counter, with an LED. the input for the display (3-digit LED) has to be tied to this analog sin cos...
I am looking for input as to how to put together a circuit that will convert an analog voltage (+/- 10v) source (sin & cosine) into a usable digital voltage that will drive a 3-digit LED module (LB-203BL or equivilant size). This input signal represents an analog input from a course setting on...