Well, like I said, I am a ME, but none the less an engineer. Engineers like to conquer the unknown and right now I just want to prove that this can be done. The tractor I bought has already been retrofitted with a one wire alternator and a separate wire was run to the battery for charging and...
I am a ME with very basic understanding of electronics. I am trying to design a simple circuit for use with one wire alternators to allow you to use the idiot light (indicates the system is not charging correctly).
My concept is that the normal voltage of the system should be between...
Does anyone know where or what standard class designations were first used? It seems to me that if I could uncover where the class designations originated from, I might be able to uncover the answers I am seeking...
I am still finding difficulty determining what an ANSI/ASME Class 150 valve is. My interpretation is that ANSI/ASME Class 150 refers to a pressure / temperature rating. This does not implicitly indicate that the valve is made to ASME b16.34. If the valve is made to ASME b16.34, then I would...
I have a valve design that has pressure/temperature ratings per B16.34. The valve is not designed per B16.34, but it is a proprietary design at B16.34 pressure / temperature ratings. Marketing wants to call it a "ANSI Class 150 Valve". Does this imply that the valve is made to B16.34 or that...
I found what my problem was... In Drawing Options, set Text_Orientations to: parallel_diam_horiz; mine was set to parallel. After I done this, the flip arrow choices gave me my desired leader.
When I FLIP ARROWS all it does is change the direction the arrows are pointing. The dimension leader still has two arrows; one on each side of the hole; Inside pointing out or outside pointing in. I basically want a leader (one arrow like the radial dimension shows, but I want a diameter...
Is there any way in wildfire 2.0 to dimension a hole (diameter not radius) and have one leader with one arrow? It currently displays two arrows 180° apart either pointing at the interior or exterior of the hole.
Thanks in advance