HI Mustaine3
I also found another method to use the hex elements.
I tightened the gaps of the geometry using Tools>Geometry edit>convert to Precise.
The i partitioned the geometry using the datum plane and meshed it .
Meshing was perfect using Hex elements.
Once again thank you for the suggestion.
Hi Mustaine3
I am attaching the cae file. Please look at it.
Thank youhttps://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=8f046444-9229-4e08-9d70-3b30e53e598b&file=Gear.cae
Hi Mustaine3
Thank you for your swift reply. I tried to mesh using Tet but still i get the 2 regions unmeshed. I even tried to give more fine seed to the geometry.
I have attached the photo below.
Hello all,
I am trying to partition a gear using the datum plane option in abaqus. I am trying to partition the gear into 8 regions. 6 parts are partitioned well but 2 parts are not. Due to this the model is not meshed properly and it shows an error during the Job execution.
I tried all possible...