Thank you Sir - this is a most perfect and helpful answer - excellent.
You have made me feel like that teen son who says to his mother "mum where are my favourite jeans" and his mother replies "have you tried looking in your own wardrobe"
I have the docs you refer to, here, on...
Hello emxhps06,
thank you for your response.
It will be carbon steel - exact grade undcertain but possibly API 5L X65 (and possibly with 13 Cr). Possibly 30 inch diam.
What Im really after is the methodology of CP design.
Sub PL probably shell clad Al Anodes.
How to work out the correct...
Hello you Rusty Lads and Ladesses (those lovely teapots without spouts),
Im looking for a bit of corner cutting - aint it always the corroded truth!
I would like to read a document on a recently designed corrosion protection system for a submarine pipeline with landfall and onshore pipeline...