We have a conveyor application. Safety is a big issue for our client. In the past we had always wired a pullcord switch in series with the motor starter coil.
After looking into the requirements of EN 954-1 it looks that we have to design our circuits in accordance with category-3. That means...
The question was more meant for some general feedback.
The essential question is: Can one rely on the electronic torque limit function of the VFDs or is it still necessary to size the mechanical equipment (couplings/reducers/shafts) according to the available torque of the motors which can be...
Can someone tell me how accurate the torque limit functions of a voltage source VFD is? In other words, can one be sure that the motor output torque will never be exceeded (even for ms or so)? In a specific case, we are looking at a 4-Q MV GTO drive with an Active Frond End (GTO's) with a torque...