Yes I have done so, the voltage is 12V ... However, that voltage is provided via two step-down resistors at 30 Ohms. As the stepper heats up, its own resistance increases from 30 Ohms to about 33, meaning that it gets a higher voltage across it the hotter it gets - bit of a vicious cycle!
I'm currently running a 12V 1.8deg stepper motor, doing a short sequence of about 4 secs duration: one 180deg move, one 90, another 90, with about a second's stopping between each move. There is no load on the shaft.
But!! It is running at about 70deg Centigrade (and still rising), which is...
Thanks, that is exactly what I needed!
My problem now however gets a lot more complicated (probably deserves a new thread) - I am using the FX0s, but would ideally like to use a function present in later FX's - PLSR. I have PLSY and RAMP, it's just a case of making the ramp up and the ramp down...
I've tried the forum search to no avail, I am convinced this is an easy-answer question to those in the know...
...So how on Earth do I write data into a register? This is the FXos-14MT-DSS (though I'm sure most of the FX's are the same), and the software I'm using is FXGP/WIN-E. According to...