It is natural gas, The normal temp is low in winter,cause the environment temp is about -20 C,but it is much higher in summer,the temp of pipeline gas is about 50 Celsius.
chuangju technology
if amine cooler than feed gas,the hydrocarbon will be cendensed down and enter amine, that maybe the exact factor for foaming.How do you come up with that idea?
chuangju technology
The temperature of amine entering the absorber is about 35 Celsius, temperature of feed gas is ranging from 5 to 15 Celsius.
chuangju technology
The experiment onsite is still undergoing, so pls wait for some weeks.we have not got information of overflow caused by foaming
chuangju technology
what kind of trays had you ever experienced? Is there something special like vertical sieve tray?
I don't agree with dcasto, Our trays has a different liquid-gas contact model.In our experiment tower-diameter 1800mm,the liquid is droplet,but gas is continuous foaming is relatively...
some intruments select structuring or random packing,in the book of gas purification, it suggest that type of internal can conquering the foaming to some degree.
chuangju technology
it is an photo of an experiments tower which uses MDEA of absorber loacated at gas field. the conclusion is that the foaming is much more obvious at valve tray. especially the downcamer.but the vertical sieve tray have a better performance.
I am focusing on conquering the foaming problem of amine unit,and we use vertical sieve tray to solve it. The equipment is running at gas purification plant for more than 1 months.There is not any overflow and high pressure drop phenomenon.The rusult is still needed waiting for ...
I am wondering one thing with my project in those days, as I had not got enough design experiences,I had check some material home and abroad, but had not got it, My question, maybe trouble is that, the contactor of LNG facilities is not very flexible.especially the bottom space is only 2.4...