Oh your help and knowledge is really useful. Thanks so much!
Yes, it is Modbus ASCII that I am using. Right now I have both PID and PLC setting to 8-bit character set. So I am going off the standard I guess. Btw if you set to 7, does that mean that, for example, 33 will go as 011 0011? I guess...
Hi Dawn2,
Thanks so much for your invaluable input.
Please find attached the image file pertaining to a read command of Process Value from a PID controller (please zoom in to see everything). Here is a link in case it is not attached...
I hope you are well.
I would like to solve the following problem:
There is a LSIS PLC which needs to talk to an Omgega PID controller over RS 485 and with modbus (PLC master - PID slave)
Now, LSIS provides a software to interact with PLC. The S/W is XG5000. From the manuals I have read...
Hey everyone, I think this is the right thread to post this. Just a small question: I have a part with a default and a user made coordinate system. When I drag it under the origin in the assembly file I want the user made origin coincide with assembly one.Is this possible? I appreciate any help...
i get this errors alot :
User defined type is not defined.
Object variable or with block variable not set
I tried the following code from the sample help:
Sub GetSketchPoints()
Dim swApp As Object
Dim Part As Object
so how come I get the errors?
Dim sketchPointArray As Variant
Thanks Bradley.
I guess you guys are using a newer version of SW because mine is 2002-2003 version and I couldn't find the swconst.tlb. In case I’m wrong and the file is somewhere on hard-drive, can you tell me what do you mean by adding it as a type library reference? Is there a especial method...
Thank you for your post KenBolen.The code seems reasonable and logical eonough but VB doesn't recognize most of the SW constants used. so I thought I should include a constat module file from ./samples/appcomm/swconst.bas with the macro project but still doesn't seem to work. I'll try to figure...
Thank you for replying my post.
I tried your way first JNR however there's really a lot of points in the 3d sketch and I need a dimension for each coordinate (x, y and z) so 3 times the total number of points is the number of the dimensions. Also I don't know where the auto design table...
Hey guys,
I use MS Excel to keep my crucial points of a 3d sketch in spreadsheet format. To get the points info I have to click on each point and then copy paste it in excel and I feel really annoyed about doing that(since there's a lot of points). Is there any macro out there that can help...