I like to define a surface which inludes interior elements. Abaqus/CAE ha not option to create surface with internal elements. I also tried to use edit keywords but doest allowe me to define surface. Can anybody suggest a way how to create a surface with internal elements for general...
Hello everyone
Can anyone suggest me how much computational power needed to run a 3D model with ALE mesh in Abaqus/Explicit. I currently use (intel core i7 3.2 GHz and 12 GB RAM) but it seems not sufficient and abaqus abort itself after some running time. I would be very gratefull if you...
I simulated 2D cutting in Abaqus/Explicit. it works well. I like to use ALE adaptive meshing to improve my simulation. when I applied ALE meshing to model, It takes too much time and never accomplished and aborted.Size of file.odb is 460 MB without ALE mesh, 30 GB with ALE mesh althougt it...
I am working on chip formation process in Abaqus/explicit. however i could not find exaxt parameters. if anyone have the values of Damage evolution for energy type in johnson-cook damage initation for 4340 Steel. and I also need maximum shear stress value, slip stifness and contact...
Thank you rob
I put the my starter model screenshot as attached. when I run simulation, it seems working after long time running around 2 days then terminate itself with some error which i didnt understant. I thought that the problem caused by Contact definition and ALE adaptive meshing...
I have been working on simulation of chip formation in precision grinding. I started with the application of already done sumulation in chip formation. People generally use abaqus/explicit with ALE remeshing. I have a problem with definition of ALE REMESHING. cAN anyone suggest me...
Anyone have experience with ALE meshing. I have problem in defining ALE adaptivity constraint. in my model I have cutter modelled as rigid and workpiece modelled as rectangular block. I tried to run simulation by choosing the whole workpice as ALE adaptive constraint as lagrangian...