Hi everyone!
I want to simulate a polycrystalline structure (with Voronoi tesselation) in ABAQUS but I am a little bit confused with the elasto-plastic model that I should use. Since each grain has a different orientation, elastic and plastic behaviour will be anisotropic within each grain. So...
You are totally right, I was confused because I was using the current increment DTIME. Storing the DTIME from the previous increment as a STATEV, as you have suggested, I have solved the problem. Thank you so much!!
Hello everybody,
I am writing a UMATHT and I am using it in a coupled stress-thermal analaysis. I have stored the equivalent plastic strain (ep) as a state variable (STATEV) and I want to compute its rate, i.e. I want to use the plastic equivalent strain rate (dep/dt). I suppose that I should...
Hello everybody,
I am using a subroutine in which I implement the hydrostatic pressure as a solution dependent variable (STATEV). I need to obtain the gradient of this magnitude within each element.
The problem is that, when I use PLANE STRAIN ELEMENTS, the hydrostatic pressure is the same for...
Hello everybody,
I am trying to make a Coupled temperature-displacement analysis and I want to model an insulated surface, that is a surface with its normal flux equal to zero. I have read that when no bounday condition is prescribed, abaqus automatically considers a zero flux. However, when I...
Hello everybody
I would like to make a mass diffusion analysis with ABAQUS in which the diffusivity coefficient D is dependent on the equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ in ABAQUS) obtained in a previous static analysis. I'm confused about whether should I use the USDFLD subroutine or another one...