Thanks Skiier, after many attempts to get the transformer to work I decided to strip the bridgeport of the old controls and ordered 3 Larken stepper drives and will upgrade to pentium computer control. I have everthing orderd except an ac drive and I am looking for one to run the 2 hp spindle...
skiier, The mill has 3 axis control. Each phase of the transformer supplies 60 volts single phase to each axis'es power supply. If I put single phase only into the 3 phase transformer only one of the drives runs. If I had a 240 volt to 60 volt transformer of suficient size, I would put that...
Mike, yes the drives are single phase. You say to wire the tranformer primaries in parallel. I tried that removing the connections from the secondaries. I first wired one phase in and checked the current draw into the transformer, then added the second and checked again and it was drawing way...
okay here is my question, I bought a bridgeport cnc mill and it has a 3 phase 240 to 60 volt transformer in it. The transformer looks like 3 seperate single phase transformers with primary h1-h2...h1-h2...h1-h2. Any rate the 60 volts coming out of each secondary supplys the power for one of...