Thanks for all the help so far, but once i adjust my revolve cut to what I need it to be it can not flatten. One way i will try is to have two files, one of the solid and then other flat where i will have to manually add the pattern/sketch lines. So basically I will achieve what I want but not...
attached you will find the native file.
i'm using solidworks 2009.
So i revised the part to confirm there were no interferences anymore. I converted the large radius from the side profile into straight lines so the product doesn't need to stretch at all.
I completed half the model with out the tab and was successful to convert it to sheet metal and flattened...
Thanks for the feedback.
applejack2, the tab exists in other products previously designed and the forming has not been an issue...........but it also has not been a walk in the park when it comes to converting either in the past.
Rollupswx, I made some adjustments so there are no...
Hi all,
I have been trying to convert this product into sheet metal successfully but have not achieved my goal yet. Solidworks converts it to sheet metal but I cannot preview the flat pattern as it says there a parts within your model which cannot be unbent.
Can any one help.
Iges attached.
I am almost there now.
I was able to use a curve driven pattern after creating the slot sketch parallel to the surface and making coincident to the 3D sketch spline on the curved surface.
However, the pattern does not pattern like it would in a circular pattern mode, the pattern is not...
The design is an aesthetic garden decor piece, with light penetrating through the perforated areas.
I need to create one continuous path but I would like the curve to be symmetrical. The symmetrical path is causing multiple contours versus one straight path.
I have seen others cut this in...
File part attached.
I created my curve sketch on a 2D plane and projected the curve on the curved surface.
Ideally I would like to pattern the Slots a total of 10x, equally spaced following the "guide curve" around the tube.
It seems like a simple practice, but i am thinking this would be...
this is my first post on this forum (forum is awesome BTW).
I want to create a circular pattern on a tube, but instead of the pattern following a 2D pattern axis I would like to the pattern to follow a 3d pattern axis.
Is it a simple as applying a 3d sketch on to the round surface?
Well the problem is when i select a white background, the package which is supposed to render clear like a glass appearance turns into a dark plastic finish insteead and if i try to render again in a different background it continues to come up in a plastic looking finish rather then clear.
What is Photonmap in photoworks?
When i render an object it says 'building Phonomap' in the loading box and it taks a very long time to render for some reason?
Can anyone tell me what it is and why it causes my renderings to take so long to actually render?
I am making a package design in Solidworks 2006.
I want the package to be clear like glass is.
The product is clear when i first render it, but when i change the background the entire object becomes a greyish black colour and i cant get it to be clear like glass.
I have tried changing the...