Chicopee - I'm not trying to change the scale of the whole drawing - just certain blocks. I sometimes draw very large drawings in which I use the largest scale in PS possible (these are not detailed plans - just residential layouts and such). These blocks are not part of the drawing per se -...
lpseifert - I'm new at this LISP stuff and am not getting an output from your code. I copied both sets of text to the same folder and named them as you said - then I used appload to throw rblock into CAD at the command line. But when I type rblock into the command line, nothing happens.
Chicopee - well lots of times I create drawings that are scaled differently in paperspace. In model space, however, I always draw things 1:1. Unfortunately, I don't always know what the paperspace scale will be before I start drawing. So, I have to scale all of my blocks after I am finished...
paddymac and CDH,
Of course! Using quickselect - quite a simple solution that I had overlooked. I didn't remember you could scale something that way.
An even faster method would be to just the right-click menu on one block and choose "Select Similar". I'm using CAD 2005, so I don't know if...
Does anyone know how to scale ALL the blocks in a drawing simultaneously by their insertion points. I want to change the size of all of the blocks without losing having to move them back into position when I'm done. This shouldn't be too hard in LISP right? (I'm just learning LISP right now)
Thanks for the tips guys. . . I'll try some out.
Paddymac: The file is a civil drawing with a number of different layouts. These things can get big pretty quickly. The project is to design a reservoir, pump stations, and other water diversion structures etc for a square mile plot of land. We...
I had a 80MB CAD file. This was excessive so I deleted a bunch of stuff from the drawing. Then I purged the file of all the old blocks and objects used, saved it, and closed it. When I checked the file size, the file grew! I repeated this again and made the file really trim - and now the...
No, we are using drawings that others have started and adding to them. In other words, I wouldn't make a drawing this big, but since it was handed to us, we're stuck with it.
I just don't understand why that slows things down so much when I have a gig of RAM. . . I really need to ask a...
I allocated 1.5GB min to 3.0GB max to virtual memory and have a decently fast computer (or so I thought). BUT when I open this 64 MB drawing in CAD with about 25 tabs, everything gets really slow. What is 1GB of RAM good for if I can't ust it for large drawings? How can I fix this problem...
I see that I really need true type fonts (.ttf). I reassociated the drawing with a different project and NOW I can use all of the true type fonts. Wonder why that is? But at least I solved my problem :)
Now I realized you have to compile .pfb or .shp files to create .shx files which AutoCAD uses. .pfb files are postscript font files - but where do you get them? I did a search on my computer (and I have Office 2003) and didn't get much of anything. Do you have to buy them or something?
OK - I realized the fonts need to have .shx extensions to be used. So how do I create this kind of file from a standard font? And why do fonts I can't used appear in the list?
In paperspace I have a number of mtext items overlaying my drawing which will not print. I modified an existing drawing in which they printed out fine. They will only print if i convert the text font to Txt or RomanC (it is at Times New Roman currently). These are the only two fonts I have as...
I want my dimensions to be scaled to the scale I have of my viewports in paperspace. In Dimension Style Manager under Fit, there is an option to "scale dimensions to layout (paperspace)". I tried this but, even when I updated the dimensions, they remained the same size. It would make sense if...
I made a custom toolbar for frequently used commands, but, when I shut down AutoCAD and come back later to use it, some (Not all) of the icons have vanished. Instead, there are these revision-cloud-like icons with question marks in them. Why?
ACAD 2005
I'm using ACAD 2005
I'm not sure what you mean "how do you work with the DC?" I open it up in AutoCAD (while working on a drawing) and browse through the file structure to the drawing I want to use blocks from. Underneath the correct file, DC lists blocks, dimstyles. . . So I click on Blocks...
I created a drawing with a few custom blocks in it to use in DesignCenter. Unfortunately, I placed a couple blocks in the drawing that I didn’t want there – so I deleted them. When I saved the file and looked up the drawing in DesignCenter, the deleted blocks showed up. I returned to the...