Thanks BronYrAur, good link.
We had a presentation today about Multistack modular chillers and in air cooled version each module has its own circuit-air condenser. I guess there must be complicated to control head pressure for some reason. Carrier does not allow combining two refr. circuits into...
We have realized that we don't have high temperature of hot gas, so we will preheat the cold water directly. As long as we can count on 1600MBH for example we can have a reasonable payback.
We are not sure how to make sure liquid does not enter gas pipe and have two condensers ion series...
We have existing 280t (R134, twin screw compressors, two of them, 30HXA model) Carrier's chiller with two separate refr. circuits and air cooled condenser, roughly, 100' away and 3 floors higher then the chiller.
We would like to install desuperheater to capture some of the heat to preheat...