Hi Hudson,
We receive data from many different sources, design agencies, Toolmakers, converters etc, and get a wide variety of problems mainly around surfaces that have not stitched, have disappeared or distorted in some way. Quite often all we need is a rapid prototype and don't really want to...
We are finding that SolidWorks cleans up IGES files very well and often use SW's as a filter before importing into NX. This might seem strange, but we moved to NX as our standard platform a few years ago, and still have the odd seat of SW's around. The NX import/repair route seems very precise...
Hi, we've been using NX for quite sometime, but have problems getting IGES, STEP data primarily into NX, however if we run it through SolidWorks first and export/inport as a Parasolid it works much better.
I am currently in discussion with Siemens UGS about this. Basically why is SolidWorks much...