Thanks tys90! For the appendix A method, what are you using for the Er term if I just a have a conventional VAV system with no secondary return air? If I had a fan powered box, what value of Er would you use?
There is an equation in this standard for a primary outdoor air fraction: Zp=Voz/Vpz (eqn 6-5) which is pretty much a percentage of outside air where Voz is the outside airflow and Vpz is the primary airflow.
But then it shows in table 6-3 in the same standard that the higher the Zp value, the...
Does anybody have experience in these units? These units have a venturi tube section (Bernoulli effect)that inducts in return air without an assistance of a fan. I am designing one and have a question on how to calculate the induction velocity versus the static pressure drop through the venturi...