could you please explain better where in B31.3 is indicated that the PWHT after the longitudinal weld is not required?
And what about the PWHT at 560°C for 2 min*mm (as indicated by the steel miil) for the circunferential welds during the assembly and erection.
Thank you
Yes, I confirm that this is the present situation.
The Owner can accept the code deviations about the PWHT, but requires further information as indicated in B31.3, 331.2.2 Exceptions to Basic Requirements, as i.e.:
- thermal cycling
- flexibility stress levels
- probability of brittle...
The X65 has been specified by the Owner.
I am not the pipe manufacturer, I am a package integrator.
I know the exceptions to basic requiremente 331.2.2, and I asked to pipe mill and steel mill to demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed material but up to now they didn't answer and it seems...
Yes, I intended the pipe API 5L X65 but the steel mill said that the plates for this welded pipe for sour service can be supplied in TMCP only and Q&T one don't exist.
What I have to do to have 2 PWHT's according B31.3?
Do you think the only way is to change material?
Than you for your reply.
I would like to clarify our position.
We have to manufacture welded pipes for sour service starting from plates API5l X65. They are 48" and 39mm thk.
The client specification requires as design code ASME B31.3.
Now, the steel mill can supply TMCP plates only. They...
I am buying API 5L X65 PSL2 plates 39mm thk. We asked for normalized plates but the mill says that this cannot be possible becouse the plates sour resistance will be lost with the normalizing temperature (about 600°C).
They propose TMCP plates without possibility of PWHT.
I need the plates for...