Actually I am 24 years old this Sunday ;)
I started with AutoCAD 10 (DOS-based) when I was in 8th grade, so I was like 13-14.
I am just MUCH faster with typing the commands. It's kind of funny actually, I don't even think about what to type anymore, my brain just processes in...
My company has "upgraded" my department from R14 to 2005LT. My problem is, that I type commands, I don't use menus or anything.
It's really hindering me and getting annoying when the menus pop up when using the second (right) mouse button as an "enter" key. For example, I used to hit "z"...
OK, here's my dilemma....I have literally THOUSANDS of drawings I created at my job in AutoCAD 14. We don't have enough licenses for CAD14, so we are now "upgraded" to LT2005... that's fine with me, I just need to do simple 2D drawings.
So, I open a previously made 14 drawing no problem. I...