Anyone have a spec sheet on a Westinghouse motor nameplate: 40hp, 151amps, 240v, shunt, duty 24hrs., field amps 3.51-.870, resistance 25c 54.4, service factor 1.15, frame S-504.A, comm end sleeve, sytle 40K2058? Interested in knowing the spec for end play (axial movement of the shaft).
The motor installed nameplate: 40hp, 151amps, 240v, shunt, duty 24hrs., field amps 3.51-.870, resistance 25c 54.4, service factor 1.15, frame S-504.A, comm end sleeve, sytle 40K2058
Thanks for the reply. If time tomorrow I will post the nameplate and Monday's actions. It always helps others when there is follow ups on problems posted, as well member's replying.
1. We call these heavy frame mill duty motors, your correct about the windings. I cannot give nameplate today I am not at work.
2. The motor current mounted is the third but the first was removed because of a broken shaft. I do not know the history of that event at this time.
3. this refers...
This application is on a roll grinder. The motor is turning a grinding wheel using v belts from motor to grinding wheel spindle. 40hp DC mill duty motor mounted horizontal on a carriage, the carriage traverses back and forth. The motor is driven by a digital drive using an analog tach...