Yes the one for £85 is Huanyang
Can you suggest a decent one as prices vary a lot how about this one
£160 "Engineers mate" they sell motors too
Thanks for the info and based on that I'm going to get a 3 phase motor and one of those £85 VFD's off ebay apparently they can switch direction and have facility for remote speed control.I also believe that the VFD can increase the speed of a motor beyond it's normal rating up to 3500 rpm ?
I was told a 3 phase would be better, how about the forward/reverse issue ? is it possible to do this via the VFD or is it more complicated like swapping wires over ?
Hello Again !
I need to purchase a motor for a machine I'm building about 750w 1400rpm and I'm not sure whether to go for a single phase 240v or 3 phase. I don't have 3 phase supply so if i went that route then I'd be getting into a controller which I may need anyway for speed control.I'll be...
Thanks for replies
So I can switch the wires between the controller and the motor but not the wires from the power supply to the controller.
I did see in the description of one controller "reverse polarity protection" which got my alarm bells ringing. I also saw a controller that would switch...
I've just bought a small 12volt gear motor and it seems to work fine in either direction when I swap the wires over. I'd like to use one of the readily available speed controllers on EBAY but not sure whether these will work in both directions simply by changing the polarity?
Thanks again
I have put the 8 inch bench grinder back to it's original job ,it was only £60 off ebay so no big deal.
Normally 2900-3000 rpm is OK for testing the VR sensors so i can use my smaller bench grinder (150w) the new device is require to spin an engine distributor so needs a mechanism...
I don't know much about motors and electrics.I can only assume the claimed power of the bench grinder is either fake or most of the power goes to create heat
Thanks for the education
The bench grinder is an inductive motor and the drill has brushes so maybe this has something to do with power ?
For this project I'll have to make do with drill power but I have another project on the go which can justify the cost of a decent motor and a proper speed...
Thanks for the reply Squeaky.
Interesting about how the frequency dictates the motor speed and now I know why all the motors i try spin at 2900rpm as up till now I have tested the sensors at this fixed speed.
My latest plan is to construct a two shaft frame with pulleys and drive the larger...
Thanks for the replys
I played around a little more with it and I think the motor just doesn't have enough power and the capacitor originally supplied was a 5 microfarad and I'm not even sure whether it's a start cap or a run cap.Anyway I attached a regular 240v hand drill to the shaft on the...
I'm building a device for testing speed sensors and have until now been using a small bench grinder as the speed source which spins happily at a very stable 2950 rpm and is 150watt 240v.
I then required higher speeds up to 5000rpm so made a pulley system with a separate shaft running in a...