Something I think that confused everyone earlier, when I say 48 volts I mean any item thats nameplate covers the basic range for a 48 VDC system. so 36~??? fine as long as it is rated at the needed range thats part of the reason I asked the questions.
Same questions apply to...
The concerns I have about the DIN Rail type is that you need to buy a cabinet to go with it and all the manufactures purposely make theirs propriety (for the most part) Magnums only works with magnums as the cabinet that they sell bolts to their inverter, same with all the big names. why spend...
Thanks all, My question, as banal as it might seem, involves the rating on DC breakers. while installing a 48 volt battery bank and its attendant inverter (magnum MS 4448PAE) i have come across an interesting problem, short of the items offered by the major players in the market, nobody seems...