I am running a user subroutine in Abaqus on a single tetrahedral element. The three bottom nodes of the tetrahedra are vertically constrained, and a vertical displacement is applied to the top node. The problem is that I have vertical equilibrium only for the first increment. When I...
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am developing an element user subroutine (VUEL).
I have a Windows 7, 64 bit machine, and I am compiling using Intel Fortran 2011.
I am testing the possibility to run a VUEL with ABAQUS using a example available from the ABAQUS documentation. It is called: vuel_truss.for, and...
I need to model a three point bending test on a notched beam using elastic hexahedral elements on the sides of the beam and non linear tetrahedral elements (defined by me with a Element User Subroutine) in the central part of the beam. I want to connect the three groups of nodes with a...
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am running simulations in ABAQUS6.10-1 on a Windows 7 machine 64 bit.
I am using an example of user element subroutine called vuel_truss.for, recalled by an input file called vuel_truss_3d_1el.inp (in attachment and available in the ABAQUS documentation at 4.1.32). For these...
I am running ABAQUS simulations using an Element User Subroutine (VUEL).
I am using ABAQUS 6.10-1 on a 64 bit machine.
I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate (http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/visual-studio-2010-launch?WT.srch=1&WT.srch=1) and Intel® Visual Fortran Composer XE for...