The timer wouldn't control the stop. Pressing the EStop would stop the machine with or without it. The timer would keep the enable signal on for a few seconds (enough time for the motor to come to a complete stop) and then disable the drive.
"Your timer idea most likely would not stand the scrutiny of any reasonable safety assessment, too much risk of failure. You would be better off just going with option 1 above."
But your option 1 and my timer idea would stop the machine in the exact same way. In the event of a failed timer...
My boss asked my to make the EStop slow the machine down faster than the normal stop, as well as "drop the power to the drive." As it is now, it opens the "start" signal which acts like an enable. Which forfeits all control of the motor and it coasts to a stop.
When my boss gets back from...
It looks like the drive doesn't recognize any EStop. After looking further into it, it looks like my only option would be to install a timer, so that the EStop functions the same as the regular stop but then removes power from the drive once the motor reaches zero speed. But even then I cannot...
It was brought to my attention that one of our machines decels significantly faster with the regular stop button than with the E-Stop. I want it the other way around, but I can't seem to control the EStop. There are two Decel parameters but they control the Run Stop and Inch Stop.
From the...