Directional E/F I> 0.2 A, TMS 0.3 IDMT.
Issue is that I didn't want any lockout on weak end.Either distance should trip on aided scheme PUR which didn't sense the fault thus Directional IDMT E/F operated and my supply effected.Apart from the above 2000Amps. in neutral of line was due to...
Distance relay didn't Autoreclose (1P) on weak end due to non sensing of C- Phase (ABC phase) fault 16000Amp.on 10 Km long 220 KV line by distance feature Micom P443 relay but IDMT Earth fault feature operated in 900mSec resulting in lockout before dead time of 1P AR 1 Sec.Although source end...
If you are on Generator side,then it is must for you to have synchro check before connection to Grid otherwise not only phase sequence but angle between Grid and Generator will pose problem.