Thanks guys, I will look into the Monte Carlo simulations. The only reason I was looking into the Chi Squared table was because someone else had mentioned it to me.
I am looking into the Chi Squared table to determine the probability of a project finishing on time. I have no experience with this type of table and I was hoping someone could explain the inputs/outputs and reasoning of the table or at least point me somewhere so that I can read up on it.
I need a specifications sheet for CK-15U steel. I couldn't find any info. on it for a job that I have coming in. It could be Austrian, but I don't know for sure. The standard is ONORM.
The primer/paint is Ameron 385 Gray epoxy and I am using U.S. gallons. I tried to find manufacturers specs but google failed me.
What does TDS stand for?
Ok so I'm doing some cost estimating for the first time and I need to know how to convert gallons of paint/primer to mils for area. The drawing I have states that the primer needs to be 3-5 Mils thick on the metal. How do I find what kind of coverage area I can get per gallon in say square inches?
Hahaha great idea for the message boxes. It turns out I just didn't have enough coffe this morning and had the row/column switched for variable x.
Thanks for all the help guys.
Validation is taken care of, all of the cases work but they only work in the first row. It doesn't fill the rest of the spreadsheet, only the first row. I'll try the message boxes and see if I can figure it out. Thanks.
Ok so it works but only for the top cell or row 4 its not filtering down. The rows I am now using are 4,7,10,13,16 ect, so I am using a step 3 instead of 2. Here is the new code. Anyone know why this won't filter down correctly?
Sub AutoWeight()
' AutoWeight Macro
' Macro recorded...
Hmmm its still not working. I think the range function beleives its two different cells with just a comma inbetween. The .value function is also not highlighted when I enter the code which leads me to believe I have the incorrect function. Here is my full code in case its something other than...
How do I test the value of a listbox that I have in a cell? "row" is a running variable inside a do while loop.
Range("row,2").Validation _
.Add xlValidateList, xlValidAlertStop, xlBetween, "=$O$4:$O$7"
If Range(row, 2).Value = "Plate" Then
Cells(row, 9) = Cells(row, 5) *...