Hello Michael,
thanks for your reply. We tested with several Parts (with and without Mass Attribute, etc. ...). Our only solution at the moment is to create a separate Tool which cycles through the parts and checks the existence of this attribute (as you suggested). I was only thinking maybe...
If i create a new part, the weight is automatically calculated and written into the attribut alias MAssPropMass (as defined in the customer defaults):
If i open an old part, (when creating this part, the MasPropMass was not existing) and save the file this Attribute will not be created...
I tried to use VBA Code in an embeded Excelsheet of a NX partfile. But whenever i reopen the embeded sheet the code is gone ?? Is it not allowed to place VBA code or do i make something wrong ?
it is already solved. Part of thge code is:
' Collissioncheck Perform Analysis
theUfSession.Clear.FindDataset(workPart.Tag, toFind, fDataset)
Catch ex As Exception
fDataset = Tag.Null
End Try
If (fDataset <> Tag.Null) Then...
After checking the documentation i added the following lines:
Dim partTag As NXOpen.Tag
Dim Clearance1 As NXOpen.UF.UFClear
' Perform Analysis of Clearance Check
but i get the message that Clearance1 is used wihrouth...
I want to check a dynamic assembly with the clearance check.
I use the journal with VB to modify some expression in a loop to run trough the diffrent positions of the assembly. For each position i want to run the Assembly clearance check.
How can i run the "Perform Analysis" in the Journal ...