Just an update...
I am looking for what I have seen called a "micromotor" ie: somewhere around 25mm in diameter
It needs to be brushless
I am looking for "ib" rating
I will try Globalspec and thomasnet..
I thought the BEMF was used to "look" at the speed... the voltage of the BEMF is directly proportional to the speed (generator) from that speed (voltage) you adjust accordingly to the required speed by way of commutation...
Can anyone make a recommendation for a manufacturer experienced in designing Intrinsically Safe motors to meet UL60079 or Someone that has them? (12V, 8V, maybe even 4V?)
Bill, thanks for the explanation. So the speed of the motor is controlled by the speed in which you run through the 6 commutation steps. Then what or why PWM during the commutation blocks? Is PWM to adjust the torque?
Thanks Again
I am having trouble wrapping my head around this. Everyone says BLDC motors are speed controlled via voltage BUT the force (torque) produce by a coil or wire in a magnetic field is equal to F=BlI (Force(torque) = B,flux density * l,length of wire * I,current in wire). So the more current...