Hello everyone,
Would anyone help me modify the CSE driver for the DMG MORI NZX2000 lathe with Fanuc? I wanted to use CSE from sim13_turn_4ax, but it would be better to use CSE from sim15_millturn_9ax where it differs in the first channel. The simulation is a hinged head and the NZX2000 has a...
Hello everyone,
Would anyone be here to help me modify the CSE driver for the DMG MORI NZX2000? I used the CSE driver FANUC from OOTB sim15_millturn_9ax. I need to change the driver for two revolvers. One revolver at the top and the other down. In OOTB there is a head with B axis and it does...
Good day everyone,
you do not have someone guide MORI SEIKI MAPPS IV in pdf or direct someplace where he could download?
I am trying to get it, and so far without success.
Thanks for any information
Hi all,
I need a little help. I need to generate NC code with tools maximum cutting depth of the operation. In the post I created a feature that I at the end of the operation lists the maximum depth to which the tool will go and now I need a function that should me moved to the beginning of...
So I looked at it and it lists the following errors:
7:00:35 (ugslmd) UNSUPPORTED: "NX10450_geometric_tol" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Marek Lipka@pclipka (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,327))
7:00:35 (ugslmd) UNSUPPORTED: "MA_geometric_tol" (PORT_AT_HOST_PLUS ) Marek...
Hi all, I need to deal with the problem in NX 10. After installing the NX10 + installation license manager and license settings at startup NX10 is booted, but get an error: Error NX License: License server system does not support this feature. [- 18] uz I tried reinstalling and even install the...
My idea is that I need when generating each operation in the NC code to get the correct stock size to zero point for HEIDENHAIN (BLK FORM).
I wanted to just define these attributes in dimensions through WORKPIECE and then when generating NCkódu any operation that has been installed by a...
Thanks very much,
I found the variables you need, but I have one problem. The variable that retrieves the attributes of WORKPIECE mom_attr_GEOMVIEW_ (name). so it only works when in generating standing on WORKPIECE. I need to be able to generate each operation separately and drew the attributes...
Hi all,
I want to ask whether there is any variable attributes for drawing out those who are in postbuilder? Can I retrieve attributes of instruments mom_attr_TOOL_ (name) from operations mom_attr_OPER_ (name), folder mom_attr_PROGRAMVIEW_ (name) or from the model mom_attr_PART_ (name). I need...
I would like to ask for advice on post-processor for NX CAM.
Creating a post for HEIDENHAIN need to generate beginning BLK FORM.
Now it generates BLK FORM with values that are written in the post.
I need it to generate coordinates from the model. This means in order to generate the...