Hello all,
I am comparing StarCCM+ vs Fluent at the moment. Now when i need to define a porous media with the 2 main values, inertial resistance and viscous resistance both software packages use very different units:
inertial resistance FLUENT:1/m StarCCM:kg/m^4
viscous resistance FLUENT:1/m^2...
Does anybody know where i can alter the option to increase my workspace. At the moment NX6 is cutting a piece from my image when i rotate it, making me pretty insane every time i want to select something outside this viewing area. In nx 4 it used to be under preferences-visu-perspective-fit...
Hello all,
I am sure that Idel'cik and Miller are well known names when discussing fluid dynamics. I was wondering are there electronic versions available somewhere of there books
Idel'cik: Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance
Idel'cik: Flow Resistance: A Design Guide for Engineers
R. Miller...
Hello all,
i was wondering is there a website dedicated to acoustics/vibration as is cfd online for cfd. that website gives me a good overview of events and i could use a similarity for ac/vibr
Hello all,
in the near future we are thinking of replacing our fluent licenses with star cd, can someone tell me about there experiences with star ccm+.
And can someone compare these with the UGS build in module NX flow.