Hi Everyone,
I've been trying to write a simple sub routine which emulates the failure of a hyper elastic material under tension.
I was initially using UMAT but then read from the ABAQUS documentation that the use of UHYPER would be easier to implement a neo-hookean model (this is the model I'm...
Hmmm okay,
I'm now working in a 2D environment.
Ive constrained the bottom in U1, U2 and UR3.
So to apply a displacement to the top edge I use BC and assign a magnitude?
Previously I've been placing a model under various different loads however I've recently realized that a more appropriate simulation would be to elongate the model via a displacement and measure the force.
After taking a look through the ABAQUS/CAE User's Manual and in 16.10.2 it describes...
Thanks for the suggestions.
I've added the density so I'm no longer getting that error.
However I'm still not sure on what's making it say that the membrane elements I'm using are not able to take the load which I'm applying.
Anymore suggestions?
Well here it is along with the journal file in a zip.
I've been rifling through the user manual for hours to see what I've done wrong.
Hopefully you can shed some light on it.
Hi Rob,
But in my ABAQUS analysis user manual 28.1.1 refers to Connector elements?
From the User's manual it says that M3D4 is a general membrane element. Where as a cylindrical membrane element would be more along the lines of MCL6?
Or am i missing your point?
Hi Everyone,
I've only been using ABAQUS for a little while and I've encountered some small problems. I'm trying to create a simple model of a rubber undergoing axial elongation and I'm encountering some errors.
Here's my process.
- Create Part 3D-Shell-Planar
- Sketch simple geometric shape...
Hi Everyone,
I’m still familiarizing myself to the workspace of ABAQUS and whilst the tutorials are quite helpful I was wondering are there any other helpful tutorials out there? Resources such as websites, books and what not. Any information would be greatly appreciated.