The latest meeting has resulted in the architect has approved the addition of a flat bar at the back side of the tread up in direction. Now my question becomes, what spcific welding guidlines or specifications to follow so as my section properties calculations become valid. A complete...
True, however I suggested this at which point they said they would need to weld a 3/4" leg upward. I do not know what the minimum weld requirement would be to develope combined section properties. They have told me that the welding of a leg that small will warp it proportionally to the amount...
Thats my concern, the flimsyness of the backside. The fabricator already has this in the shop, (yes he is irresponsible) but the architect specified the design shapes. Calculating the section properties for an L of these dimensions, and using an Fb=.6Fy, the calculations show it to be ok...
I am checking the design of a stair tread for a fabricator and am having difficulty in finding any help whatsoever. The tread is an unequal l shape bent in the shop out of A36 sheet. It has 4" downward vertical leg, 12" horizontal and is 42" long and .25" thick. A wood piece for decoration...