I have no doubts that a round hollow section made from plate is a pipe. The question is whether AWS views it the same way when WPS qualification is taken into consideration.
The company I'm working now does not have a printed copy of AWS D1.1, so I'm reading it from a digital copy(don't...
Thanks guys for you input.
Annex K clearly states that its informative only. On the other hand, it says that those definitions (tubular , pipe) are "defined as they relate to this code."
So, do we need a pipe that was made into a pipe specification to qualify a WPS (respecting AWS...
Dear collegues,
I'd like your opinion in the following PQR qualification:
AWS D1.1 2010 states in annex K that a pipe has to be made according to a pipe product specification.
Is annex K informative only and not mandatory?
Is it possible to make a tubular joint out of two pipes that in turn...