Hi Didier,
Please keep duplicating ER on sub-assembly mass in part-list, I too raised ER long back (almost for decade)and waiting for this update keenly. Till NX12 it is not done, lets see if they realize the industry requirement for native users.
Hi John,
Thank you for your swift reply!
UDF will allow to make custom shape but it will limit the instance to one for each position.
NX-Open will do the job, but it needs high end development and that to it will be parallel with Siemens development. I am looking for some intermediate...
Hi all,
Does anyone to create Hole like feature for creating non-circular (custom) shape. I mean at present with hole feature we can create all hole related shapes for example, General, Drill, simple, counter bored etc. But is there any trick where we can use custom shapes like Square...
Is it a bug in NX or you are not aware of this topic.
Sure I will approach GTAC but normally it takes longer time to get reply. Especially in my case never got a proper solution mostly some waste workarounds.
In the mean time it will be great help if someone knows how to deal this situation.
Hello All,
I have an assembly of 10 components whose drawing is made using master model concept. Then I add a part list with auto callout numbers.
Now I locked Rows for future unintentional reordering due to addition or deletion of child component. (To avoid confusion with revisions)
Thanks again for your valuable comment Baker!
I will check with my support team to open ER, but even you start working on it, to get the final result will take longer time.
Can you tell me where the values shown in assembly navigator are stored. I mean can I retrieve these values by any mean...
Please find attached image for better understanding. I am looking forward for some great and inovative comment to solve this problem.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=b35d11fc-8242-4b5a-9e3a-32aee3f03fdf&file=Part_List_VS_Assembly_navigator.JPG
Dear all,
I have gone through multiple threads with assembly mass calculation, still I feel its unclear.
If I use <W$=@$MASS> in Part list and got mass(weight) of all child (leave) parts. But at the same time, mass of any sub assemblies are Zero(0). Now If I have a look on assembly navigator...
Hi Hudson!
What's that?
I need a way to mate component with other child in an assembly were its position and orientation can be controlled with expression (all six degrees). At the same time I don’t want to change or modify any other child parts except assembly.
Best regards,
Dear all,
Is there any way to mate component in NX5 or NX6 assembly having constrain similar to offset CSYS. Were we can have control on all 6 degree of freedom (i.e. XYZ offset values and XYZ rotation axis) Thanks in advance.
Thanks Hudson,
Only representation is not the requirement, I want to calculate weight of only specific solid in each file, few other solids were created in almost all child files of the nearly 1500 component assembly, Other solid have some other use I cant remove them.
Now “Advance Weight...
Hi all,
Is there any way to add auto reference sets other than those available in NX. On the basis of geometric filter or layers range (category) filtration.
I.e. Other than Empty, Entire Part, Model, Lightweight and Simplified Reference Sets
For example
Case 1: I want all geometry present in...