We have PF control available on generating sources only. PF is being maintained in the range of 0.83 to 0.87 on all machines. There is no capacitor bank or PF control/ improvement equipment available on load side which is switching ON & OFF at times.
Each trefoil bundle contains all the three...
Yes, both R11 and R14 are bus couplers and remains closed all the time.
Since, the circulating currents become zero as soon as the loop or Ring is opened (by opening one bus coupler or opening one interconnection feeder), therefore, it indicates that these are circulating currents and not...
Thank you RRaghunath for your comments.
Circulating currents due to difference in cable reactances because of difference in laying condition is understandable. However, our concern is intermittent change in magnitude of current, irrespective of load or operating conditions.
The cables are...
Thank you waross for your response.
We have 2 separate feeders, each having 9 single core 630sq.mm. cables (3 per phase). Ring core or Zero sequence CT is installed on both sides of each feeder that is 02 on each feeder i.e. 04 in total, at both ends of two feeders. The current unbalance is...
Thanks crshears for your response.
SLD is attached, please.
Thank you rcwilson for your response.
We have 2 separate feeders each having 9 single core 630sq.mm. cables (3 per phase). Ring core or Zero sequence CT is installed on both sides of each feeder that is 02 on each feeder ie 04 in total, at both ends of two feeders. The current unbalance is...
Thank you Mbrooke for your response. Single Line Diagram of circulating current loop is attached.
Please note that the Generation is at 13.8 KV, which is feeder one Substation A. There are 2 separate feeders connecting substation A and Substation B, forming a ring/loop in the network. Each...
We have our two 13.8KV substations (A & B), connected through 2 x cable feeders. Each feeder comprised of 3 x single core power cables per phase.
Electrical power is being fed to Substation B from Substation A (Substation A is receiving electric power from 3 x Steam Turbine driven generators...