Looking for help on determining parameters for induction hardening and quenching of gray cast iron threaded components to a depth of 0.030-0.050" (50 HRC). So far, have experienced problems with inconsistent hardness profile surface into core (drops down below 50 HRC at approx. 0.015" and then...
Maui/Steve898/Pressed - thank you all for taking the time to provide the valuable feedback and information. your explanations have provided me an excellent baseline for pursuing this matter further. I'll look forward to additional correspondences in the future.
Thanks Maui- I realize this question was vague in nature, and was done so intentionally. i have a colleague looking for input into whether to stay with a salt bath process or look into vacuum heat treating for a variety of tool steels. The obvious benefits of salt bath are tight temperature...
Thank you all who have replied to this question. Your answers make a lot of sense. As each of you have mentioned, glass beading prior to carburizing has no real benefit. some aerospace specifications specifically mention there shall be no glass bead/shot peen prior to carburizing. I was...
Anyone have any data indicating the impact of trying to carburize the surface of a 9310 material which has been shot peened PRIOR to carburizing? i.e does shot peened surface act as a mask? Is diffusion process impacted by high residual compressive stresses?
Any input would be welcomed. Thanks!