a conductor radius? u mean the distance from the center of the brace to where the cables are hung? then what is R?
so now we have 3 radius values, r, R and a? what are these distances of? from where to where?
but wait, the page is about the relations between the wires, and there shouldn't be any capacitance between the wires because they are carrying the same voltage in parallel. the only capacitance should be between the wires and the ground.
how is euler's formula useful? it must have something to do with converting from the time domain to the phasor domain and back, but i can do that without euler's formula
this short page describes conductor bundles, which are power transmission lines hung paralell to eachother. i think the page is trying to explain why, when they are hung that way that they reduce impedance per meter, but i...
its not on wikipedia, im having trouble finding it. does anyone here know where i can find the formula online?
also, i would think that stranding the wires would cause some inductance, do i have to account for that when calculating voltage drop across distances?
take a look at the sketch of this wire:
those copper wires wrapping around the outside must be for reducing the skin effect right?
i have been reading up on the skin effect:
i know the equation now, and...